Sunday, June 25, 2006

"Sleep paralysis and hypnopompic hallucinations..."


Well, this week, Thereminisation has taken toll! Been working on a few things, and gave a demonstration of the Theremin and magic at my old college - many new faces, many old, and all baffled, amazed and amused!

There was a great diversity of audience - and those who I would normally take to not get into magic really took to it - which is reassuring (Lucy, Rachel, Jack, Ellie & co. - hope you enjoyed it ;-) ). It was great to meet all of these people, and all whom I met were great people. To all those who were 'put under' - don't worry, I've been doing this a while ;-)

Well, looking to the magic/music concert next Sunday, I'm commencing preparation with the other player - hopefully will be a good show!

Ah well - off to carry on watching the Skeptics Society 2005 conference DVD (which is where the title of this post comes from ;-D ). I was reminded in this DVD (Michael Shermer didn't know who it was, suprisingly) of a quote from Sidney Morgenbesser:

During a lecture the Oxford linguistic philosopher J.L. Austin made the claim that although a double negative in English implies a positive meaning, there is no language in which a double positive implies a negative. To which Morgenbesser responded, "Yeah, yeah." (Some have it quoted as "Yeah, right." See litotes for the actual linguistic status of this hypothesis.)

Have fun.



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