Saturday, February 09, 2008

The show must go on...


The things you do for a couple of hundred pounds - I've been playing in a show all week, that is, every night I got to a theatre in *Town name* (there aren't that many, thankfully) and play in a show. They get great audiences, the cast are reasonable for an amateur band (still the odd comical duet/soprano or tenor top note that brings merryment and mirth to the pit - not due to the fact that it's a G&S, but that it's done so...err...differently to what's scored...) and they seem to rake in the audiences (I rekon that they've already recouped their losses, and there's still a night to go).

I've been leading this one - that means playing in the No. 1 violin spot. Whilst this is fun, it can get a bit monotonous having to lead every entry for a total of 42 numbers (yes, the show has that many songs - none of them different, is G&S after all...). Irony - I've just been asked to play pirates of penzance in march for another week - sometimes, fate is cruel...profitable, but still cruel!

Sapere Aude.



Blogger Delly said...

Baby you're great and you know it! You're my number one! xxxxx

10:51 AM  

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